Bill Bornstein
New Advisor
Dr. Bornstein is Professor Emeritus of Medicine (Endocrinology, Metabolism, and Lipids) and has the distinction of Eminent Clinician in the Emory University School of Medicine Department of Medicine. He formerly served as the Chief Medical Officer and Chief Quality & Patient Safety Officer for Emory Healthcare, until retiring from that position in January 2024. In these latter roles, Dr. Bornstein led the development of a quality and safety program that has been nationally recognized for breakthrough improvements. In 2006, he led a major expansion of the Emory Healthcare quality program with the formation of a new Emory Healthcare Office of Quality.
Dr. Bornstein is a recognized national leader in quality, safety, and the use of technology in improving healthcare delivery and has been a champion of system approaches to improving quality, including the development of new care models. A major focus was enterprise-wide care transformation built on a platform of a "Lean" enterprise operating system.
Dr. Bornstein is a Board-certified internist and endocrinologist and continues to care for patients in the Emory Clinic. Dr. Bornstein has served on a number of national committees and advisory bodies in these areas including the Clinical Evaluative Sciences Council Steering Committee and the Risk Adjustment Task Force of the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC), the Professional and Technical Advisory Committee for the hospital accreditation process of The Joint Commission, the Standards and Survey Procedures Committee of the Joint Commission, and the steering committee of the Integrating Quality Initiative of the Association of American Medical Colleges (which he chaired from 2014-2016). He also currently serves on the CHRISTUS Health Board Quality and Patient Safety Committee.